Equine Education – Foundation Program

Equine Education

“Foundation” Program – 3 Month

The three month “Foundation” program is designed for not only the young horse that is ready to start, but also for a seasoned horse that is misunderstood or also a horse that is not confident either on the ground or under saddle. Horses in this program become trusting, and confident with the understanding of what is expected of them, they also develop their coordination and balance and are prepared to advance their education under saddle. The horse learns to willingly and effectively respond through trust, confidence and understanding in the round pen through Russ Krachun’s signature steps. In-hand communication methodology further develops and reinforces the responses of willing understanding and communication with the horse through our hands. Methodologies using proper timing and repetition along with periods of relaxation are used to further develop confidence and a trusting mind, allowing the horse to perform to the best of his abilities confidently without anxiety. Round pen riding methodology then reinforces the previous lessons taught to the horse in order to develop a safe and confident horse under saddle, and also educates the horse basic riding manoeuvers. Horse owners are encouraged to attend weekly sessions in order to learn Kozak Horsemanship philosophy and understand the application of the methodologies that are used to communicate with their horse.

The “Foundation” program includes the following educational levels for both horse and owner:


Russ Krachun educates the horse by using his own philosophy and his original methodology of working in the round pen. Russ Krachun’s fifteen signature steps of methodology in the round pen connect and build to one another in order to develop understanding and willing responses and develop mental and physical abilities in the horse. These fifteen steps of working in the round pen lead the horse to success when following each next level within the foundation program.


Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his multitude of in-hand communication methods within this level.  Learn methodology that will educate how to communicate with your horse through your hands while using the horsemanship rope, and through body language and voice commands. Russ will explain how “Discover Horsemanship Philosophy & Methodology in the Round Pen” transfers to your  in-hand communication methodology and how they support one another. In-hand communication methodology prepares the horse mind, improves mental abilities, develop coordination, balance and confidence. Russ explains how his methods not only develop physical and mental abilities of the horse’s body, but also develop body language and communication between the horse and the horseman. This understanding is essential in our daily routines with our horses.


Russ Krachun shares his unconventional philosophy and methodology to develop confidence and trust within the horse’s mind in order for the horse to control his emotions in any environment, in various situations and during various anxieties. Russ explains the importance of understanding your horse’s mental abilities, not just his physical abilities and shares his methodology that includes the use of proper timing and repetition along with periods of relaxation.  A confident and trusting mind is essential in order for the horse to perform to the best of his ability.


Russ Krachun shares his signature round pen riding methodology that he uses to educate the horse the basics in riding methodology.  Both the horse and rider learn to develop balance and coordination under saddle and also learn the basics of educating muscle memory in the poll, neck, shoulder, rib cage and hindquarters.  Methods include how to educate the horse to travel in a straight line, turn inside, turn outside, to stop and to travel safely at various speeds at the walk, trot and lope. Round Pen Riding Methodology develops balance, coordination, and understanding and aids and prepares both the horse and rider with the confidence and knowledge to safely and confidently ride in larger open areas.

Russ Krachun Kozak Horsemanship Equine Education “Foundation” Program Contract
(or download Equine Education “Foundation” Program Contract in PDF format)

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Payment Options

Please submit your “Equine Education” Agreement/Contract before submitting your deposit or payment for the “Foundation” three month program.  Once you have received confirmation of your horses enrolment, you may submit your deposit or payment option that you have chosen.

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Thank you very much for your interest in a Russ Krachun Kozak Horsemanship Equine Education – Foundation Program!