Equine Education – Evolution Program

Equine Education

“Evolution” Program – 2.5 Years

The “Evolution” program is offered following completion of the “Foundation” and “Intercommunication” programs.  The meaning of “Evolution” is the gradual development of something, from a simple to a more complex form.  The “Evolution” equine education program is education that develops the horse and the horseman both mentally and physically with full understanding of many complex riding manoeuvers in equine discipline.  The horse learns to respond through methodologies using timing, repetition and periods of relaxation in order to become soft and supple.  Muscle memory is also developed in the horse and is transferred into understanding and willing responses.   It is the same philosophy and methodology used to develop any athlete.  Horse owners are encouraged to attend weekly sessions in order to learn Kozak Horsemanship philosophy and understand the application of the methodologies that are used to communicate with their horse.

The “Evolution” program includes the following educational levels for both horse and owner:

“Muscle Memory and Flexibility in the Neck and Poll, Rib Cage and Hindquarters”

“True Grit” Academy students learn Russ Krachun’s philosophy and unconventional methodology in developing muscle memory, flexibility and suppleness in the horse neck and poll, shoulders, rib cage and the hindquarters. Students working with a horse will learn the application of step by step methods that connect to one another, using proper timing and repetitions, with forward motions at various speeds, and develop muscle memory.  Students will be educated how muscle memory supports physical and mental education and prepares a horse to perform to the best of their abilities.

“Back Up Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his unconventional step by step methodology that develops a willing straight and balanced back up. These steps aid in building coordination and also develop softness in the left and the right sides of the horses’ body, shoulders and the hindquarters. Russ will explain the importance and the reasons for controlling the shoulders and the hindquarters, and how to navigate a willing and straight back up with the horse.

“Advanced Guiding Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his unconventional signature guiding methodology to educate the horse to travel balanced and coordinated when travelling forward; and also when changing directions. Russ explains each method in detail and how each method connects and supports each other in order to develop a willingly guided manoeuver at different gaits. Advanced guiding methodology is education that helps the horse to travel in a balanced and coordinated manor in both the left and right sides of the horse’s body, this methodology also develops muscle memory and improves the mental mindset of both horse and rider. These methods and exercises result in improved communication, and improved physical abilities for both the horse and the rider under saddle.

“Stop Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his unconventional step by step methodology in how to educate the horse to stop from any speed that we desire. Russ believes that methods must first prepare the horse mentally with step by step methodology by explaining what the stop means, and then educate the horse how to physically perform the stop at any speed. These step by step methods will improve mental abilities and physical abilities by educating the horse body to develop balance, coordination when traveling in the left and the right leads at various speeds and gaits. A horse that is travelling balanced and coordinated in any lead will use his body equally and will stop straight and balanced at any speed.

“Speed Control, Balance & Coordination”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and unconventional methodology in developing balance and coordination for both the horse and the rider at various speeds. Developing coordination and balance at various speeds will aid in improving physical abilities and improve mental abilities. Speed control is a very common problem with many horses, and many horses travel at the speed they desire not the speed that we want. Russ will share his step by step methodology of how his teachings educate both the horse the rider to control emotions at different speeds and at the same time develop balance and coordination.

“Lead Coordination and Balance at Various Speeds”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and unconventional methodology in how to develop balance and improve the coordination in the left and right leads of the horse body. You will learn and understand the methods to develop a willing and understanding response when asking the horse to travel on the correct lead. These methods and exercises also assist the rider to become better coordinated, balanced, and become more consistent with their cues, resulting in improved physical abilities and improved riding abilities.

“Side Pass Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his unconventional step by step side pass methodology. Russ explains why it is important to develop the physical abilities in the horse body, neck, poll, shoulders, rib cage and hindquarters for this manoeuver. His explanations include the meaning of two tracking and how the horse uses his front and back legs when the horse travels sideways. You will learn step by step methods of how to educate the horse shoulders to become balanced and coordinated and also learn step by step methods of how to develop balance and coordination in the horse’ hind quarters and also how to bring all of this methodology together in order to develop and master the side pass manoeuver.

“Lead and Lead Changes Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and step by step unconventional methodology in how to educate the horse to change leads at various speeds. This methodology will educate the horse in how to change leads by using the front legs and also to change leads by using the hind quarters of the horse body. Russ believes in educating the horse through step by step methods in order to improve coordination and balance to become supple in different sides of the horse body, the horse becomes mentally and physically prepared to effectively change leads at different gaits. Methods also include education for the rider to become balanced and coordinated at various speeds, with explanations to understand that it is the rider who is most important in communicating and executing a lead change to the horse.

“Pirouette Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his step by step unconventional methodology in how to perform a 360 degree turn known as a pirouette maneuver. Russ will explain and demonstrate how to develop lightness in the horse’s front shoulders and how to educate the horse to distribute his weight to the hind quarters in order to navigate the turn. You will learn how Russ’ Kozak horsemanship step by step methodology is used to educate the horse to use his left and right shoulders separately in order to effectively cross the front legs for the turn around. These step by step methods will educate the horse to become soft and supple in the neck and rib cage in order to improve and develop balance and coordination in both the left and the right sides of the horse body. The horse is prepared both mentally and physically to perform the pirouette at different speeds and gaits.

“Roll Back Methodology”

Russ Krachun shares his philosophy and his step by step unconventional methodology of Kozak
Horsemanship in how to prepare and educate the horse to perform a roll back manoeuver. The
horse learns to develop lightness in the front shoulders and how to distribute his weight to the
hindquarters in order to navigate the turn for the roll back manoeuver. This equine education
also prepares the horse both mentally and physically in order to perform the roll back
manoeuver at different speeds and gaits.

Kozak Horsemanship Equine Education “Evolution” Program Contract
(or download Equine Education “Evolution” Program Contract in PDF format)

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Payment Options

Please submit your “Equine Education” Agreement/Contract before submitting your deposit or payment for the “Evolution” three month program.  Once you have received confirmation of your horses enrolment, you may submit your deposit or payment option that you have chosen.

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Thank you very much for your interest in a  Kozak Horsemanship Equine Education – Evolution Program!