True Grit Academy Intercommunication Program

True Grit Academy

“Intercommunication” Program

The “True Grit” Academy “Intercommunication” program is offered to students following the “Foundation” program and includes four levels of equine education of Kozak Horsemanship.  Students learn philosophy and methodology of how to apply and introduce methods from the ground and how to transfer the same methods under saddle.  Students learn methodologies using timing, repetition and periods of relaxation and develop flexibility and suppleness in the horse muscles and muscle memory.  It is the same philosophy and methodology used to develop any athlete.

Students also learn methods of how to improve balance and coordination and develop physical and mental abilities when in various situations and environments. The “Intercommunication” program educates the student how to advance the horses level of athleticism and improve performance and understanding.  “True Grit” Academy students will possess a strong passion for horsemanship knowledge and require open minds to alternate methods of equine education.

The “Intercommunication” program includes the following educational levels for the student:

Level 1 — Bridle Work Methodology


  1. Develop flexibility and muscle memory of the horse neck muscles from the left side in forward motion (walk & trot)
  2. Develop flexibility and muscle memory of the horse neck muscles from the right side in forward motion (walk & trot)
  3. Develop flexibility and muscle memory of the horse neck muscles from the left and the right sides by changing direction from the left to the right and also from right to the left (walk & trot)
  4. Develop flexibility, coordination and muscle memory in the horse rib cage by travelling in a left circle (walk, trot)
  5. Develop flexibility and coordination and muscle memory in the horse rib cage by travelling in a right circle (walk, trot)
  6. Develop flexibility, coordination and muscle memory in the horse hind quarters  from the left and the right sides of the horse body at the walk and trot
  7. Develop flexibility, coordination and muscle memory in the horse hindquarters by changing the direction with hindquarters from left to right or right to left at the walk and trot
  8. Develop coordination and balance in the horse left front shoulders while travelling in a forward motion (walk)
  9. Develop coordination and balance in the horse right front shoulders while travelling in a forward motion (walk)
  10. Educate the horse to become balanced and coordinated by educating the horse to use left front shoulder while in a backup manoeuver in  big circle to the right
  11. Educate the horse to become balanced and coordinated by educating the horse to use right front shoulder while in a backup manoeuver in a big circle to the left
  12. Develop the horse’s balance and coordination in a backup manoeuver by using left side of the hind quarters in a big circle to the right
  13. Develop the horse’s balance and coordination in a backup manoeuver by using the right side of the hindquarters in a  big circle to the left
  14. Develop balance, coordination and muscle memory in both sides of the horse front shoulders and both sides of the horse hindquarters while travelling in a straight line while in the back up manoeuver
  15. Educate the horse to become balanced, coordinated and develop physical abilities in the front shoulders and the hindquarters from the left and the right side when the horse turns 360 degrees
  16. Develop horse balance and coordination and physical abilities in the front shoulders and hindquarters in a two tracking manoeuver in the left side of the horse body
  17. Develop horse balance and coordination and physical abilities in the front shoulders and hindquarters in a two tacking manoeuver in the right side of the horse body
Level 2 — Muscle Memory and Flexibility in the Neck and Poll, Rib Cage and Hindquarters


  1. Develop flexibility and muscle memory in the neck of the horse by using the inside left rein from the right side of the neck (perimeter walk, trot and lope)
  2. Develop flexibility and muscle memory in the neck of the horse by using the inside right rein from the left side of horse (perimeter walk, trot and lope)
  3. Develop flexibility and muscle memory in the left and right side of the horses neck by changing direction from the left to the right and from the right to the left (walk, trot)
  4. Develop flexibility and muscle memory from the left side of the horse hindquarters (walk, trot)
  5. Develop flexibility and muscle memory from the right side of the horse hindquarters (walk, trot)
  6. Develop flexibility and muscle memory of the horse hindquarters by using the hindquarters to change the direction from the left to the right and from the right to the left (walk, trot)
  7. Develop flexibility in the rib cage of the horse by educating the horse to stretch the rib cage from the outside and to contract the rib cage inside, by travelling in a circle to the left (walk, trot)
  8. Develop flexibility in the rib cage of the horse by educating the horse to stretch the rib cage from the outside and to contract the rib cage of the horse inside by travelling in a circle to the right (walk, trot)
  9. Develop flexibility in the rib cage of the horse by stretching the rib cage from the outside and contracting the rib cage inside by travelling forward in a right circle and then changing direction to a left circle and also by travelling forward in a left circle and then changing direction to a right circle (walk, trot)
Level 3 — Foundation Guiding Methodology


  1. Straight line on the parameter (walk, trot, lope)
  2. Parameter and diagonals (walk, trot, lope)
  3. Parameter and 4 Circles (walk, trot, lope)
  4. Parameter, diagonals and 4 circles (walk, trot, lope)
  5. Big # 8 (walk, trot, lope)
  6. Small # 8 (walk, trot, lope)
  7. Big and small # 8 (walk, trot, lope)
  8. Big circle in open parameter (walk, trot, lope)
  9. Propeller (walk, trot, lope)
  10. Propeller and 4 circles (walk, trot, lope)
  11. Propeller, 4 circles and diagonals (walk, trot, lope)
  12. Straight line in open area (walk, trot, lope)
Level 4 — Confidence on the Trail

Part 1 – Develop horse mental abilities by educating the horse to control fear and emotions while in open spaces and natural environments on the trail with in hand communication methods from the foundation program.


  1. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward in the left and right direction and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  2. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward through logs and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  3. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward and change directions from the left to the right and from right to the left and accept natural environment (walk, trot & lope)
  4. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward, change direction, travel through logs and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  5. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward through noisy obstacles and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  6. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward, stop, and stand still on top of noisy obstacles and accept natural environments  (walk, trot & lope)
  7. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward between trees, change directions and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  8. Educate the horse to travel consistently up and down hills and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  9. Educate the horse to stand still and control fear and emotions with loud sounds (gun, bull whip, flag) and accept natural environments
  10. Educate the horse to stand still and control fear and emotions when obstacles are moving towards the horse and accept natural environments (flag, tarp, horseman, and other horses)
  11. Educate the horse to travel away from the barn and control fear and emotions (walk, trot & lope)
  12. Educate the horse to travel back to the barn and control emotions (walk, trot & lope)
  13. Eduate the horse to load on the trailer in natural environments and control fear and emotions
  14. Educate the horse to control fear and emotions in various weather situations and accept natural environments

Part 2 – Develop horse mental abilities by educating the horse to control fear and emotions while in natural environments on the trail under saddle.


  1. Educate the horse to travel in different speeds and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  2. Educate the horse to travel consistently through logs and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  3. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward and change direction from the left to the right and from the right to the left and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  4. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward through logs, change direction and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  5. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward through noisy obstacles and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  6. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward, stop and stand still on top of noisy obstacles (walk, trot & lope)
  7. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward between trees and accept natural environments ( walk, trot & lope)
  8. Educate the horse to travel consistently forward up and down hills and accept natural environments (walk, trot & lope)
  9. Educate the horse to stand still and control fear and emotions with loud sounds (gun, flag and bull whip) and accept natural environments
  10. Educate the horse to stand still, control fear and emotions when other riders are travelling towards the horse, and accept natural environments
  11. Educate the horse to stand still, control fear and emotions when noisy obstacles are moving towards the horse and accept natural environments
  12. Educate the horse to stand still, control fear and emotions when other riders are leaving when on the trail and accept natural environments
  13. Educate the horse to control fear and emotions when the horse is riding with different groups of horses at different speeds and accept natural environments
  14. Educate the horse to control fear and emotions when the horse is leaving the barn and educate  the horse to travel in the speed that the horseman desires
  15. Educate the horse to control fear and emotions when the horse is travelling back to the barn from the trail, and educate him to travel in the speed that the horseman desires
  16. Educate the horse to trail ride and control fear and emotions when the horse is travelling in various weather situations

True Grit Academy Equine Education “Intercommunication” Program Agreement
(or download Equine Education “Intercommunication” Program Agreement in PDF format)

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Please submit your True Grit Academy Equine Education “Intercommunication” Program Agreement before booking your lesson.  Once you have received confirmation of your enrollment, you may book your lesson.


Thank you very much for your interest in a True Grit Academy Equine Education “Intercommunication” Program!