Clinics vARIANT

Interested in hosting a Russ Krachun Kozak Horsemanship equine educational clinic?

Russ Krachun is available to share his philosophy and his unconventional step by step methodologies of Kozak Horsemanship with you in clinics, seminars and events.


Russ Krachun Kozak Horsemanship educational clinics will help you to establish your horsemanship skills, develop a harmonious relationship with your horse, expand mental and physical abilities in both the horse and the human, and ultimately improve your performance. A wide variety of educational clinic titles are chosen from the “Foundation”, “Intercommunication” and “Evolution” programs of Kozak Horsemanship, in one, two or four day sessions that are designed for various levels of abilities from the beginner to the advanced equine enthusiast.